Shout outs to DJ, Producer and Vancouverite, Yu Su for the meet and greet. Noelle dipped her out proper in the current season's flavor and you know SPITGAN knows our way around a camera. Yu Su's music has travelled her near and far with sets at Dekmantel, tours of China etc. We've shared a live set of hers for Boiler Room in Oz deeper in this post to get you familiar with the vibes if not in tune already...
It would be cool to be a model because being a model means that I would have limitless opportunities to try a wide variety of clothes and styles for which I have never imagined before. I would regard these sorts of fruitful experiences as a process of self-exploration, in which I would better understand what styles, or single items are compatible to my albino self.
We chop it up with artist/designer Michael Lau about his music tastes, from Hip Hop to Heavy Metal. Delve into Hong Kong's nascent street culture from back in the day, places like 高山劇場 (High Mountain Theatre), and his sporting preferences.
Patrick: I'm a kind of a straightforward person so I like to wear plain color tops or pants. Simple patterns are welcome, especially any calligraphy on an T-shirt, some of my favorite items. Written things really show the character or mood of myself. As you know, I am a biker. Leather jackets, jeans and boots, dressing like a gentleman on my bike is such a cool thing.
We speak to our good friend Ms. Junko Shimada, owner of the Tokyo gallery, Gallery Side 2. She represents a strong roster of predominantly Japanese artists, and is an avid bon vivant of life. She has contributed to one of our favorite, 'Music Is Playing' playlists, and is always a great host and conversation, every time we meet.