It would be cool to be a model because being a model means that I would have limitless opportunities to try a wide variety of clothes and styles for which I have never imagined before. I would regard these sorts of fruitful experiences as a process of self-exploration, in which I would better understand what styles, or single items are compatible to my albino self.
Hi! I am the Founder/Scent Creator of ESSCENTRIC, a holistic aromatherapist, a reiki practitioner, a Bach flower remedies registered practitioner, and a barre instructor. None of these identities were mapped out in my life plan 5 years ago, until I start my own brand, but coincidentally they are all products of my passion, intuition, and eccentricity. It's an embodiment of grace and spiritual awakening in myself. A living proof of the well-being and healing powers of my eclectic scents.